This Communication Styles tool explores how you generally interact with others in a range of contexts and generates an individual personal style profile informed by your responses. It also has a 360º Report option to invite feedback from those around you.

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Communication Style Assessment Tool


This Communication Styles tool will provide you with the self-knowledge to identify your default styles when interacting with others. Versions of this tool have been used with over 110,000 people, primarily leaders and managers, across the globe.

It will help you to reflect on how your default style can be constructive or counter-productive when interacting and influencing others – this self knowledge is essential in relationship building, negotiations, sales, conflict resolution, customer service, and other people-centred contexts.

There is an option for you to enhance your self-assessment report by adding in feedback from some of those who know you well. We call this ‘360 degree’ feedback as it will allow you explore how others experience and perceive your communication styles to help you make decisions about any changes you might choose to make in your interactions.
We recommend that you invite between 3 and 5 people who know you well (ideally for 2 or more years) – either purely from a work context, from family/friends, or a mixture of these. You will receive an AVERAGE of their assessments in a 360º Report that is generated against your Self Report. This means you get the chance to compare their perceptions with yours. This can help you to identify strengths, preferences, and/or development areas that you might be unaware of. Their feedback ratings are averaged, as we have seen how this encourages others to be open and honest with their feedback without risk of repercussions, especially if they report to you and may want to ‘be kind’ to you or even may ‘fear you’ – perish the thought!

Features & Benefits

  • A clear, graphical profile highlighting your default communication style preferences based on the styles developed by Dr Scott Parry. This version of the tool was created by Dr Cliff Lansley to provide a mixture of scenarios from work and non-work contexts.
  • Interpretations of each of the styles and the ways they might impact on your interactions with others
  • Ideas on how you can use this information to flex your styles when needed
  • Applications for teamworking and team building
  • The 360º Report option offers richer data from the perceptions of those around you
  • This gives you a common language around your communication styles to enable meaningful discussions with your colleagues, friends, and/or family.

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Self Report

Take the assessment now and see how you interact with others


360° Report

Includes Self Report

Take the assessment and also get feedback from up to 5 acquaintances and compare scores



Yes. And you only pay for the upgrade difference.

Yes. This tool highlights your preferences or ‘leanings’ towards one or more of the Communication Styles. These leanings are likely to be part of your approach to different people and situations, and knowing your profile can help you review the appropriateness of your interactions with others. You will learn how you can use this personal insight to work out the challenges you may have with those different from you and also the impact of your style profile on others. This empowers you to choose to flex your style to the style(s) of others in your communications, presentations, leadership, negotiations, and relationships.

It is almost instant, as this is an online tool where the profile is generated as soon as you submit your responses. You also receive a pdf version of your profile by email for you to keep. The 360º Report is automatically sent to you once all your raters have completed the feedback.

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September 2022

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Congratulation on making the next step to further your education and skillset within the field of communication, behaviour, and credibility analysis. Below is an outline of the application process along with a download link to the application form. Please follow these steps to commence your application and should you have any questions, please use the 'Contact us form' and we would be happy to help.

Application Process:

Step 1: Complete your application

The application form consists of 11 sections, and while it may look intimidating on the surface, it should only take you around 15 – 20 minutes to complete. You will be asked to secure two references as part of your application. A reference is a note written by an independent person (such as a teacher or manager) to testify to your skills, character, experience, and/or achievements relevant to this programme. You can choose to include these in the space provided in the application form or include these as an attachment when you email us your application.

Download your application here. 

Step 2: Email your application and supporting documents to us

Please send your completed application to our admissions team ( along with your passport-like photo and any supporting files requested in the application form, such as your certificates, awards and/or your references.

Step 3:

Upon receipt of your application, we will review your information and any supporting documents and respond to you within two working days to confirm your acceptance on to the programme. In some cases, we may require further information, in which case, we will follow up with you and outline exactly the information we require to complete your application. 

If you would like to speak with a member of the team, please use the contact us form and we will be back in touch.

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