Harry Lansley

Harry Lansley

Emotional Intelligence Specialist

A Personal Account of How Emotional Intelligence Training Helps Bridge the Gap between Neurotypical and Autistic Communication – Delegate name removed for privacy.


Emotional intelligence (EI) training has the potential to greatly benefit individuals with autism by providing them with tools to better understand and navigate the complex world of social interactions. The following is an account from a delegate who attended an Emotional Intelligence workshop, where they learned about the power of emotional intelligence training in managing their Aspergers Syndrome. This personal experience highlights the profound impact EI training can have on those with autism, with the delegate sharing their insights in their own words.

A Life-Changing Discovery

Upon discovering the Emotional Intelligence Academy, the delegate said, “It slowly but truly became obvious that training would not only be a route to a better understanding of non-verbal messages but would also be the basic apprenticeship to help me see how non-autistic people use their innate abilities to succeed with social exchanges with each another.”

A New Understanding of Social Interactions

The delegate learned to observe facial expressions more closely, realising they had primarily focused on people’s teeth instead of their whole face. They shared, “Another incredible and sharp revelation was, as no one ever before had expressly told me, that I need to watch the whole face of others to whom I am speaking. I had only focused on people’s teeth.”

Significant Progress in Emotional Recognition

Through the course of the training, the delegate experienced marked improvements in their ability to recognise micro-facial expressions. Reflecting on their progress, they said, “At the end of this session, halfway through the course, we were again invited to do a similar test, on which I obtained twelve correct answers! It was a testament to the effectiveness of the emotional intelligence training program.”

A Bridge to a Better Social Life

While the delegate acknowledged the challenges they still faced in mastering social interactions, they no longer saw the differences between themselves and neurotypical individuals as insurmountable. They stated, “I was struck with the evidence that I was not anymore thinking in terms of abysses – never to be filled in – but in terms of mere gaps, above which bridges could be built.”

A Hope for Autistic Children and Adults

The delegate’s experience demonstrates the transformative power of emotional intelligence training for individuals with autism. They passionately shared, “I firmly believe this training represents a fantastic ‘therapy’ to help autistic non-fully functioning human beings to understand, extend, and gain access to the world of social life.”


Emotional intelligence training offers a unique opportunity for individuals with autism to better navigate the social world. By equipping them with the skills to recognise and understand emotions, both in themselves and others, EI training can help bridge the gap between neurotypical and autistic communication. The delegate’s personal insights inspire hope for others with autism to explore emotional intelligence training as a means to improve their social interactions and overall well-being.

About the author

Harry Lansley

Harry Lansley

Emotional Intelligence Specialist