Harry Lansley

Harry Lansley

Emotional Intelligence Specialist

New to Body Language and Emotional Intelligence? here are a few suggestions to get you started.

Finding something new that you are fascinated about is equally exciting as it can be daunting. There is so much information that it can be challenging to know where to start and what to trust.  This is certainly the case when it comes to body language and emotional intelligence.

When we started (for some of us, over 40 years ago), we had to fight these same battles and wished there was a curated list of resources that would give us the facts, and not the fiction.

While we could not be more proud of the training programmes we have developed, we understand training is not always the best place to start for someone new to the field. It’s a sizeable investment, and you need to feel comfortable you are making the best decision for yourself.

In that regard, here we will list some of our favourite resources that are perfect for any ‘newbie’:


Blink: by Malcolm Gladwell

Blink: by Malcolm Gladwell

This book explores how snap judgments (following your gut) can be far more effective than overthinking things. We like this book as trusting your gut plays a significant role in reading and understanding the behaviour of others. We all have an innate ability to make quick judgments, and while sometimes this can get us into trouble, they help us survive and thrive more often than not.

The Emotional Brain: Joseph LeDoux

The Emotional Brain: Joseph LeDoux

Professor Joseph LeDoux is a professor at the Centre of Neural Science at New York University. While Joseph is at the forefront of our understanding of the brain and its relationship to our emotions, he has thoughtfully and purposefully written the Emotional brain in a way that is accessible to everyone. There is no jargon or ego here, just a delightful insight into how emotions are ignited in the brain. Joseph is also in a rock band called the Amygdaloids, who perform rock-based music drawn from research about the mind and brain… Need we say more? 😎

Getting to the Truth

Getting to the Truth

A practical, scientific approach to behaviour analysis for professionals.

Emotions Revealed

Emotions Revealed

Recognizing Faces and Feelings to Improve Communication and Emotional Life.

Video Content

EIA’s YouTube Channel

While we don’t have the most extensive catalogue of videos yet (that will change in 2022), everything you find on our channel is produced by us, and therefore you will find no bull****. Everything is based on sound research, so you can trust what we discuss is widely supported and rooted in solid research. That’s not to say we don’t have our opinions, though. Like any science, there is still plenty we don’t know/haven’t proven yet. We are always excited to discuss these areas and provide our thoughts; however, we will always let you know this upfront. The goal of our channel is to teach first, entertain second. On the channel, you can expect to find videos on body language, verbal and non-verbal behaviour, deception detection, facial expressions, communication, and emotional intelligence.

FakingIt – Discovery+

Okay, okay, technically another self-plug – this true-crime documentary features two of EIA’s team – Dawn Archer and Cliff Lansley. With that said, this fantastic TV series takes a close look at some of the world’s most notorious criminals and takes an in-depth look at their body language, language use, and personality traits. By analysing the individuals verbal and non-verbal behaviours during police interviews, news broadcasts, and public appeals, the experts unravel critical bits of information and behaviour and peel back the layers of the criminals’ deception to uncover their motives and desires.

Lie to Me – Fox (Available on Disney+)

Lie to me is a fictional TV drama about a lie detection expert called Cal Lightman (Played by actor Tim Roth). Cal lightman runs the consultancy firm ‘The Lightman Group’, a team of psychologists and gifted body language and deception detection experts who work with organisations and individuals to help get to the truth. While we would never suggest you take what you see on the programme as factual, there is a lot within the first two seasons that stay close to the science about lies and credibility, that if for nothing more, is entertaining and a good way of building further interest around the field. The show definitely goes off the rails beyond season 2 as it takes a weird and over the top diversion away from any science, so do bear that in mind.

Lie to Me – Fox (Available on Disney+)

About the author

Harry Lansley

Harry Lansley

Emotional Intelligence Specialist